Mira's Curse features nine visually distinct scenes comprised of original, whimsical 2D and 3D animation. The story follows our protagonist Mira who goes on a journey of self-discovery as she travels through her increasingly immersive world, featuring 3D landscapes, 360 degree comics, an interactive Ouija board, and more.
Click an image below to open the 2D version of each scene as recorded from the VR headset.
Watch the full playlist featuring all nine scenes and the table of contents here.
My partner for this project Lillie Bahrami and I worked to conceive and create this project over our final year at CU Boulder.
Mira's Curse features our original script, design, visuals and interactivity. Lillie was lead of VR and interactivity, and I focused on 2D animation assets. The two of us worked in tandem to piece each scene together in VR. The result is a spellbinding sequence of scenes, set to gorgeous music by friends Xavier Corr and Phu Le. Special thanks to our voice actors Kendra Nelson, Beebe Bahrami, and Arielle Hein, who was also our senior capstone mentor.
Click here for final documentation post (Emily) with links to each week's progress post
Click here for final documentation post (Lillie)